Monday, February 25, 2019

Ignation Pedagogy and Learning Technology

Bringing Theory to Practice
Winter 2019 Newsletter

By Eddie Maloney, Executive Director, and Maggie Debelius, Director of Faculty Initiatives—both of the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, Georgetown University
"If anything has changed in teaching and learning in the past twenty years, it’s the overwhelming integration, influence, and adoption of digital technologies. While certainly not the first technologies to change how we teach and learn, digital technologies from learning management systems to social media, blogs, and wikis have had a profound impact on how teachers and students interact with course materials. They have enabled new ways of gaining access to information, teaching at a distance, and shifting the learning experience from a teacher-centered, lecture-based model to a learner-centered, “flipped” classroom. Much of the work we do in the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) at Georgetown University seeks to understand how digital technologies can inform and enhance not only student learning but also the totality of a student’s life while at the university. We have found that the thoughtful use of technology can help Georgetown, a Jesuit institution, enact its commitment to Ignatian pedagogy, which seeks to educate the whole person and care for each individual, respecting unique gifts and insights."