Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Stop that Malware!

In the June 2018 issue of The Monthly Security Awareness Newsletter for Everyone, we learn about what Malware is, and how we can protect ourselves from it.

The following are excerpts. Read the full article.

What Is Malware?
Cyber criminals install malware on your computers or devices to gain control over them. Once installed, malware can enable criminals to spy on your online activities, steal your passwords or files, or use your system to attack others. Malware can even take control of your own files, demanding that you pay a ransom to get them back. Everyone is a target, including you.

Protect Yourself - Stop Malware
  1. Keep your operating system, applications, and browsers are updated.  Most software updates include security updates.
  2. Only download or install programs or apps from trusted online stores.
  3. Stay away from mobile apps that are brand new, have few positive reviews, are rarely updated, or have been downloaded by a small number of people.
  4. No longer using a computer program or mobile app?  Delete it.
  5. Be choosy about clicking links in email messages. Be suspicious. If in doubt, don't do it.
  6. Regularly back up your system and files to cloud-based services, or store your backups offline, such as an external drive that can be disconnected.