Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's's coming....iTunes U!


The University of Minnesota has created an access-restricted iTunes U site for students, faculty, staff, and guests. The access-restricted iTunes U site will provide University affiliates with access to audio and video recordings of campus

* course sessions,
* faculty lectures,
* interviews,
* music, and
* sports events.

These can be played on your computer, iPod, or other portable device.

The University is launching a public iTunes U site. The public iTunes U site will provide the University with a dedicated presence in iTunes, allowing a worldwide audience to view and download our digital academic content.

UMM will have its own section on the iTunes U page. Start getting your podcasts and vodcasts ready!

Check it out at:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! Virtually every college student uses iTunes, and this is an excellent way of reaching them. If a student missed a class or was interested in something that happened on campus, having access to those videos would be of great help. Using iTunes to reach students and faculty is a nice incorporation of technology into the classroom.
